Foot Care Blog

Sensory, Motor, Autonomic—Breaking Down the Types of Neuropathy

Sensory, Motor, Autonomic—Breaking Down the Types of Neuropathy

We often talk about “peripheral neuropathy” as if it were a single condition, targeting a single area with a consistent set of symptoms.

That certainly does make things simpler and easier to understand. And in fairness, many cases of peripheral neuropathy are broadly similar between different people, and treated in similar ways. So it makes sense to simplify it a bit in order to help people understand better.

Not Just Diabetes: Breaking Down the Causes of Neuropathy

Not Just Diabetes: Breaking Down the Causes of Neuropathy

Diabetes and neuropathy are strongly associated with one another—and for good reason. Diabetes is, by far, the No. 1 cause of neuropathy. And virtually everyone with diabetes will develop some degree of damage to their peripheral nerves after decades of dealing with the disease.

Neuropathy CAN Be Reversed. We Can Help.

Neuropathy CAN Be Reversed. We Can Help.

“I’m sorry. There’s nothing more we can do.”

If you’ve been living with the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy for more than a little while, you may have grown to hate these words.

7 Tips For Preventing Heel Pain

7 Tips For Preventing Heel Pain

“Prevention is the best medicine.” Sure, it’s a cliché. But it’s true! Of course, not all injuries, illnesses, or conditions are preventable. But many of them are, including some of the most…

How To Prevent Toenail Fungus

How To Prevent Toenail Fungus

We’ve all heard it before: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That simple proverb holds true all the time in the medical field. Over and over again, proactive care that prevents a…

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Tucson Foot & Ankle Institute

7406 N. La Cholla Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85741

Phone: (520) 545-0202

Fax: (520) 545-0201

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Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 5:00PM

Tucson Foot & Ankle Institute:

7406 N. La Cholla Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85741


Phone: (520) 545-0202

Fax: (520) 545-0201

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